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A Fond Farewell Jack!


SMART partnership comes to an end - It’s been a year since we started on our SMART partnership journey with Cardiff Metropolitan University. Funded by Welsh Government, delivered by Down to Zero and Cardiff Met, the SMART partnership has been centred around cross sector collaboration involving housing, the third sector and academia with a particular focus on innovation and learning in the net zero arena. In that time, Cynon Taf Community Housing Group (CTCHG) have significantly developed our knowledge and understanding of the net-zero agenda and the possible whole system pathways for ethical carbon avoidance, reduction, and capture.

Picture 1 - Jack and the team at Cardiff Met.

Those who have engaged and got involved in our project will recognise ‘Jack’ as the face of the SMART partnership. As a Carbon Reduction Associate, Jack embedded himself within CTCHG and has overcome numerous barriers to successfully deliver the Groups baseline carbon assessment for the year 2022/2023, which has been estimated at over 5000 Tonnes of C02 equivalents.

Those working in the net-zero arena will recognise the challenges associated to measuring an organisations carbon footprint and this becomes more challenging when put into a housing context where there is a requirement for measuring the emissions of thousands of homes with numerous variables.

Picture 2 - Project Background and challenges.

Having developed the groups baseline, Jack led on the development of our carbon savings strategy, to help reduce our collective footprint. This strategy has been uniquely developed for CTCHG and has included suggestions for carbon reduction and avoidance taking into consideration tenant and organisational needs as well as the global, National and Welsh policy context.

In developing this strategy, we are incredibly proud to have delivered a successful SMART partnership. As the SMART partnership ends Jack has decided to return home and we would like to wish Jack a fond farewell. Jack has been a welcome addition to the CTHCG family and has contributed to the wider context of a globally responsible Wales, engaging numerous partners, and sharing best practice and learning across housing and the third sector.

Jack leaves as a converted Welshman and a published academic with increased confidence, skills, knowledge, (and a glowing reference of course)! - We wish him every success in the future – Ooops, not forgetting his increased Welsh language skills – Diolch am bopeth a pob lwc yn y dyfodol Jack.

Picture 4 and 5: Highly commended at the National SEEDS Conference 2023 – ‘Analysis of a Best-Fit Web Based LCA Tool for UK SMEs to Evaluate Residential Operational and Embodied Carbon’

Project Team, Funders and Investors

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Down To Zero Ltd

Cynon Taf Community Housing Group
Unit 4, Navigation Park, Abercynon, Mountain Ash, CF45 4SN
Phone: 0345 2602633 ~ Fax: 0345 2602634
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We are striving to be an equal opportunities organisation | Rydym yn ymdrechu i fod yn sefydliad cyfle cyfartal

Down to Zero Ltd is registered with the FCA, No. RS008927 

CTCHG is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 with Charitable Status No. 30399R | Cofrestrwyd dan Ddeddf Buddion Cydweithredol 2014 gyda statws elusenol Rhif. 30399R | Registered with the Welsh Government No L145 | Cofrestredig â Llywodraeth Cynuliad Cymru Rhif. L145Privacy Notice for Tenants

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